Armored Dawn, the Brazilian Viking metal band from Sao Paulo, released their album ‘Viking Zombie’ via The Orchard/Sony in the UK on 20 March. Get Ready To ROCK! posed a few questions for vocalist Eduardo Parras to answer -

I read online that you were once a doctor – is this true? (or just a google translate error!)

Eduardo Parras: Yes, it’s true. I have practiced for a long time as a geriatric, but it’s been about 10 years since I stopped practicing.

You came to form the band a little later in life, do you think that has helped you as a writer, having more life experience etc? And also practically – in terms of handling day to day life as the frontman of a successful band?

Parras: Well, life experience helps in absolutely everything. I wish I has this experience when I was 17. As it’s not possible, I use it in different ways, in all possible aspects that the band needs.

I understand you play several instruments and are classically trained, does this influence the band’s sound at all?

Parras: It certainly does. As you can see, our music is very eclectic. Not only my influences count, we consider the influences of all members. Each one brings different things to the band. For example, my influences are classical. Rafael’s (keyboards) are Black Sabbath, Savatage. Rodrigo (drums) comes from Thrash Metal, one of his influences is Slayer, and Timo (guitars) is very inspired by Ritchie Blackmore…

Which rock and metal bands have influenced you?

Parras: Lyrically, I can say Ronnie James Dio. Musically, bands like Lynyrd Skynyrd, Uriah Heep and UFO. I also like newer bands like Sabaton and Powerwolf.

Please sum up your new album in a couple of sentences…

Parras: ‘Viking Zombie’ is the album that more represents the identity of the band so far. As I said, there are influences of all members, all compositions were made by us, as well as the production, that was made by Rodrigo (drums) and Heros (bass). We are very satisfied with the results. Conceptually speaking, all lyrics tell the story of a viking warrior who died in a battle, but didn’t go to paradise, Valhalla. He asked for a new chance to live and Odin answers his request, but in this new life, he is a zombie. So, he is out of his time and became a misfit in the society, and then he has to learn how to deal with it.

Are you all still based in Brazil, and what is the music scene like there right now?

Parras: Brazil is huge country, it’s very eclectic, but rock and metal are not part of our culture. At the same time that there are big shows and festivals for 60k – 100k people here, we also have a strong underground scene, with great bands. However, the audience is not that strong… Brazilian bands still play in small bars for 50 people… If that same band decides to turn into an Iron Maiden cover band, for example, they will easily play for 500. For some unexplained reason, Brazilians love cover bands, so life is very difficult for those who play their own songs. Just when you get recognized outside of Brazil, people start paying attention.

We are currently isolating here in the UK and many other places globally due to Coronavirus – apart from listening to your new album, what other bands, films and books would you recommend we check out?

Parras: Let me see… About music, I recommend you to check the new albums from Five Finger Death Punch – ‘F8’, Ozzy Osbourne – ‘Ordinary Man’, Sepultura – ‘Quadra’, and Dr Sin – ‘Back Home Again’. There are a lot of films that I could suggest too. Watch ‘Parasite’, the Turkish ‘Miracle in Cell nº 7’, and the Spanish ‘The Platform’. About books, I highly recommend ‘Flowers for Algernon’ by Daniel Keyes, and ‘Dark Matter’ by Blake Crouch.

Your album is called Viking Zombie – do you enjoy zombie movies?

Parras: Most of the zombies movies and series are very successful here in Brazil, as ‘Dawn of the Dead’, ‘Living Dead’, ‘Zombieland’, and ‘The Walking Dead’. I use to watch them with my kids, and it’s very fun, I really enjoy them.

In an imaginary fight between a Viking Zombie and a regular Zombie, who would win and why?

Parras: I can say that Viking Zombie would obvious and easily win this fight. He would use the powerful Mjölnir to finish this regular zombie, lol.

Any message to your fans?

Parras: I’d like to thank you from Get Ready to Rock for the space and opportunity, and all your readers. Keep supporting rock/metal bands. Take care, stay safe at home, and when these hard times come to an end, I really hope to see you on the road.

Viking Zombie (deluxe) is Out Now


Featured Artist: JOSH TAERK

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David Randall presents a weekly show on Get Ready to ROCK! Radio, Sundays at 22:00 GMT, repeated on Mondays and Fridays), when he invites listeners to ‘Assume The Position’. The show signposts forthcoming gigs and tours and latest additions at First broadcast on 23 February 2025.

UK Blues Broadcaster of the Year (2020 and 2021 Finalist) Pete Feenstra presents his weekly Rock & Blues Show on Tuesday at 19:00 GMT as part of a five hour blues rock marathon “Tuesday is Bluesday at GRTR!”. The show is repeated on Wednesdays at 22:00, Fridays at 20:00). This show was first broadcast on 25 February 2025

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Power Plays w/c 10 March 2025

THE SOUL REVIVAL Outlaw (indie)
WHEN RIVERS MEET Addicted To Love (indie)
ISABELLA STORM Satan’s Valentine (indie)
KEYSTONE Slow Down Honey (indie)
THE BIRTHDAY MASSACRE Sleep Tonight (Metropolis Records)
SAWMOON Madness (indie)

Featured Albums w/c 10 March 2025

09:00-12:00 The Best of 2003 – 2024 (Melodic Rock)
12:00-13:00 The Best of 2003 – 2024 (Melodic Hard Rock)
14:00-16:00 The Best of 2003 – 2024 (Singer Songwriter)

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