LUMUS – Bacchus’ Curse

Self Release

Lumus are the brainchild of founder and violinist Jon Lumus who wanted to create a symphonic metal band with an orchestral string backing. The band are based in Portland , Oregon and this is their first album.

The music has a dark, gothic sound which is complimented well by the soprano, operatic vocals of frontwoman Charlotte Von Camp which adds grandeur to each track. You are as likely to hear a violin solo as a guitar solo here with some virtuoso playing from all involved, especially Mr Lumus himself. Tracks like ‘The Burning Plain’ and ‘Lost Child’ are excellent symphonic metal, ‘Lost Child’ in particular has a great mid-section with excellent interplay between violin and guitar. Towards the end of the disc there is a four song section themed on Bacchus’ Curse which is an impressive piece of writing.

The album has been mixed and mastered by Logan Mader who has done a good job in bringing out the majestic sound of the band. If you like a bit of Nightwish then Lumus should also light up your life.


David Wilson

VENEFICA – Drowning Soul Syndrome

Two Sides Moon PR

Czech 5 piece Venefica have a lot going for them on the evidence of this, their second album. Ploughing a similar musical furrow to the likes of Alterbridge and Shinedown there is some very impressive playing here, especially the fine guitar work of Jeff and Sasha who can shred with the best of them.

The guys have been together for 5 years and you can hear it in their playing, they are a very cohesive unit. Of the 14 tracks here the best are the driving ‘My Inner Cell’ and the lead single from the album, ‘Chains’, which is a good introduction to the band. The stand out for me though was ‘Enemy’ which has an excellent acoustic mid-section with a Spanish/ Latin American feel to it which showcases the work of both guitarists.

There is one slight flaw throughout for me though and that is the vocalist Ray who is ok, but I don’t think he is quite the same standard as the rest of the band with a weak delivery, which does detract from the overall sound.

Don’t let the vocals put you off though as there are some great, melodic hard rock tracks  here with some impressive musical performances by all involved. Worth tracking down.


David Wilson

IN SEARCH OF FIRE – Serotonin Fire

S-a-N PR (Release date – 15th October 2012)

Reading the band’s biog that accompanied the CD it states that the guys have only been together as a unit for a few months, although the seeds were sown when they were still at school. I was surprised then to find just how complete this sounded, it certainly doesn’t sound like a band of young upstarts.

Muse, Oasis and the Artic Monkeys are all mentioned as influences and you can hear elements of all throughout the 6 tracks featured , but it is the songwriting and musicianship that impresses the most, well rounded tracks, confidently played. The opening track should be the band’s signature song as ‘Indie Rock n Roller’ sums things up nicely. Another of the tracks though could be the answer to the question, ‘Do In Search Of Fire have a bright future ? ‘ That track is ‘No Shit Sherlock’


David Wilson

DRIVEN – A Breakdown Of Character

S-a-N PR (Release date – 15th October 2012)

Fast paced, heavy riffs, sledgehammer drumming and growling vocals are what Driven are all about. Combining Pantera’s heavy driving style with more technical passages akin to Dream Theater to create a brutal album with subtle passages and strong vocals.

The guitar work of David Ferrer and Rory Kay is what defines the band’s sound and is solid throughout, the rhythm section are no slouches either and the pounding bass cements each track. The band have only been together 18 months or so and the 5 tracks on this release show a lot of promise. They have already picked up a number of support slots in their short career and armed with this CD and the right promotion, there should be plenty more to come. Good stuff guys.


David Wilson

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Power Plays w/c 10 March 2025

THE SOUL REVIVAL Outlaw (indie)
WHEN RIVERS MEET Addicted To Love (indie)
ISABELLA STORM Satan’s Valentine (indie)
KEYSTONE Slow Down Honey (indie)
THE BIRTHDAY MASSACRE Sleep Tonight (Metropolis Records)
SAWMOON Madness (indie)

Featured Albums w/c 10 March 2025

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12:00-13:00 The Best of 2003 – 2024 (Melodic Hard Rock)
14:00-16:00 The Best of 2003 – 2024 (Singer Songwriter)

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