Great Lefty: Live Forever! (Tony Iommi Tribute)

VARIOUS – Great Lefty: Live Forever!
www.tanzanmusic.com [Release date 04.05.15]

An interesting double CD this one featuring a collection of Black Sabbath tribute bands, musicians and a couple of ex-Black Sabbath members, all paying tribute the master of the doom riff Tony Iommi.

The idea came about following Tony Iommi being diagnosed with lymphoma cancer in 2011. He’s still undergoing therapy and the prognosis is good, heck he even managed to record a new album with Black Sabbath and play over 80 gigs with them whilst undergoing treatment, an Iron Man indeed!

Disc one is the better one overall, with some real stand outs like Mark Boals (Yngwie Malmsteen/Dio’s Disciples) teaming up with guitarist Dario Mollo for a cracking run through ‘Never Say Die’.

Kyle Cousins has autism and raises awareness of this through his music. He certainly riffs away on ‘Heaven And Hell’ with a decent vocal too, backed by former Sabbath/Dio drummer Vinnie Appice, Bon Jovi’s Hugh McDonald and ex-Boston guitarist Barry Goudreau.  A name to keep an eye on based on this performance.

Of the various Sabbath tribute bands on here Ironlung’s ‘Electric Funeral’ and Phenomena’s (not the Tom Galley band but an Italian Sabbath tribute band) ‘The Wizard’ are the pick of the bunch. Children Of The Gravy win the award for the best pun on a Sabbath song though!  Former Sabbath vocalist Tony Martin is as you’d expect on top form on ‘Anno Mundi’, which he performs backed by Aldo Giuntini.

One to dip in to as not all versions will please everyone, although each band/artist is a fan of Mr Iommi’s playing and the profits go to Macmillan Cancer Support UK.  ****

Review by Jason Ritchie

MARK MORRISS – The Taste of Mark Morriss
Acid Jazz Records [Release date 31.07.15]

Mark Morriss is the frontman of the Bluetones, who had major success in the UK in the mid-late 90′s. They called it a day in 2011 and reunited earlier this year, with a reunion tour this September all but sold out.

This solo album is a selection of covers that have helped shape his musical output. I do wonder though as the opening song is, err, Jess Conrad’s ‘This Pullover’ a song I first heard on a worst songs ever compilation!  Even my seven year old son, a broad minded musical chap, asked what the heck is this?

Luckily it gets better, as there is an fascinating reworking of OMD’s ‘Souvenir’. This sounds so different stripped of its synths and instead we have woodwind and Mark Morriss’s gently, smoothing vocal. Laura Branigan’s hit ‘Self Control’ gets slowed right down and again works beautifully, featuring another lush musical arrangement.

Love the version of Scott Walker’s ‘Duchess’ with a little country twang in the guitar. Another curve ball is ‘Lucretia (My Reflection)’ originally by the Sisters Of Mercy, another interesting and well thought out arrangement on this. The plinky piano and vocal make it sound more like a indie disco floor filler. Even Madonna gets a makeover on her hit ‘Angel’, the vocals and arrangements blow the original out of the water.

This is nicely timed as the Bluetones return to the musical fray and this covers collection not only reinterprets the originals, but shows what a great voice Mark Morriss has.  ****

Review by Jason Ritchie


Horsie The Hedge [Released 24.07.15]

Not your usual fare on GRTR! maybe but if like me you have a musical soft spot for the 80′s synth sounds of Axel F and Jan Hammer, you will love this album. Formed by Dan Haigh, Alex Westway (Fightstar) and Alex Gingell, this is 80′s retro with knobs on!

The band have a series of guest vocalists and use vintage 80′s synths and electronics. ‘The Mountain’ reminded me of the sadly defunct Pure Reason Revolution and check out the accompanying video on YouTube. ‘Tech Noir’ and ‘Fly For Your Life’ would easily sit on an 1980′s cop show, whilst the remix of ‘Black Sun On The Horizon’ features wave after wave of electronic sounds and melodies.

They wanted to recreate that 80′s sound and they do it in style. ***1/2

Review by Jason Ritchie

CEREBELLION – Regeneration

www.cerebellion1.com [Released 02.06.15]

Cerebellion were formed back in 2009 and consist of brothers Joe (vocals) and John (guitars) Arnold, bassist Marc Battung and drummer Jimmy Schultz.

This is the band’s second release consisting of six songs and they do know how to pen a decent metal riff. Pick of the six are ‘Savior’, which builds and ends slower, featuring some massive riffs and the impassioned vocals of Joe Arnold. ‘All Came To Light’ reminded me of System Of A Down in the music, not so much the vocals and ‘Nothing Left’ shows a different side to the band, featuring flamenco guitar and then towards the end a Metallica-approved riff kicks in.

I like the band’s musical variety from foot stomping metal through to quieter moments showing the band have plenty of potential in the future. A band to definitely keep an eye on in the future. ****

Review by Jason Ritchie

Featured Artist: JOSH TAERK

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Power Plays w/c 10 March 2025

THE SOUL REVIVAL Outlaw (indie)
WHEN RIVERS MEET Addicted To Love (indie)
ISABELLA STORM Satan’s Valentine (indie)
KEYSTONE Slow Down Honey (indie)
THE BIRTHDAY MASSACRE Sleep Tonight (Metropolis Records)
SAWMOON Madness (indie)

Featured Albums w/c 10 March 2025

09:00-12:00 The Best of 2003 – 2024 (Melodic Rock)
12:00-13:00 The Best of 2003 – 2024 (Melodic Hard Rock)
14:00-16:00 The Best of 2003 – 2024 (Singer Songwriter)

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